The importance of noticing the good

The importance of noticing the good

As we are jolted into another year through the broadcasting of terror attacks and devastating world events, it becomes more evident that we are not immune to the horrors that have been generally associated with distant lands. The globalisation of our world through technology means that we take the good with the bad; however when…

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The Trauma of News

The Trauma of News

Vicarious trauma is a term that refers to stress responses that occur in a person as a result of witnessing or working with people’s traumatic experiences. It can be described as a secondary form of trauma that may occur when we carry or hold onto stories of the trauma of others, usually as a result…

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Shocked into writing

Shocked into writing

The world events of the past week or so have spurred me back into writing. For some months, domestic affairs had focused my attention in other ways, but it’s now time to come out of writer’s hibernation. Who can remain unaffected by the shooting down of the passenger aircraft MH17, carrying citizens of so many…

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Too busy for silence?

Too busy for silence?

We live in such a busy world, and it seems there is no sign of it slowing down. Quite the opposite, it seems that life continues to get more and more hectic. As inhabitants of the world and citizens of communities, we involve ourselves in many levels of functioning, often at a frenetic pace. At…

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No time to mourn, no time to mend

No time to mourn, no time to mend

It was the 16th century English poet, John Donne, who wrote “He who has no time to mourn has no time to mend.” I have often used these words in grief training sessions with the emphasis being on the importance of grief work in order to acknowledge the depth of pain related to love lost….

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Do we really learn from our mistakes?

Do we really learn from our mistakes?

Probably most of us can recognise some patterns of our behaviour that are not helpful to us, yet we continue to repeat them. Even knowing that the behaviour has the potential to directly or indirectly affect our health, often does not result in us changing what we do and how we do it. We may…

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The Tension of Happiness

The Tension of Happiness

A focus on happiness is always a great reminder to find the bright side in our lives and perhaps to lighten up a little. It can also provide us with an opportunity to be grateful for the blessings in our lives no matter how difficult life may be, and perhaps extend our focus to others…

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Being authentic isn’t everything – or is it?

Being authentic isn’t everything – or is it?

I read a great blog recently by business marketer Megan Barrow which caused me to think about authenticity and the benefits (or not) about being authentic in what we do and how we present ourselves. I had never thought that being authentic could ever be considered anything but positive, as authenticity is aligned with sincerity,…

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Why reflect on the past?

Why reflect on the past?

Socrates said “the unreflected life is not worth living.” I have come across this quote a number of times lately, causing me to reflect further on the statement itself. This quote of Socrates was first presented to me many years ago by an affirming mentor when I was going through significant change in my internal world,…

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An easy way to learn EFT

An easy way to learn EFT

Find out about EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques by clicking on the link and listening to the podcast. In this interview by Sandhan I talk about the origins of EFT, and take you through the steps of the techniques. In this particular session, you will learn how to apply EFT for breathing. Tune in and learn about this great…

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