There is nothing like taking a break and travelling to a completely different place to expand our thinking and take us out of our personal comfort zone. I am writing this week from the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Travelling from coast to coast in a new country not only covers a great distance but also brings…

Shocked into writing
The world events of the past week or so have spurred me back into writing. For some months, domestic affairs had focused my attention in other ways, but it’s now time to come out of writer’s hibernation. Who can remain unaffected by the shooting down of the passenger aircraft MH17, carrying citizens of so many…

The London Experience
I never dreamt that I would be going to London to receive a book award. It was quite a shock to see my name included in the list of winners on the website of the London Book Festival. In fact, I checked a few times to make sure that I hadn’t made a mistake, and…

Stick with the challenge
When I commenced writing blogs this year, it was in response to a challenge set by Bronwyn Clee to write one article per week for 2013. Hence the Twitter tag #52b52w was coined, and many articles by the band of writers can be found via the #52b52w hashtag. I eagerly jumped on board to take up…

Living with miracles
Albert Einstein stated: “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; or you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Travelling to new places always opens my eyes to the many miracles in the world: the wonders of art and buildings, of communication and culture, of landscape…