The month of October has been dedicated to mental health awareness, with World Mental Health Day being celebrated on October 10. The purpose of promoting mental health is to raise awareness of the importance of our thoughts and feelings, our self-image and self-worth. How we view ourselves impacts directly how we view others and how…

The Trauma of News
Vicarious trauma is a term that refers to stress responses that occur in a person as a result of witnessing or working with people’s traumatic experiences. It can be described as a secondary form of trauma that may occur when we carry or hold onto stories of the trauma of others, usually as a result…

EFT for End of Year Stress
Coming up to the end of the year can be so stressful. With work deadlines, preparation for Christmas celebrations, functions to attend, making holiday arrangements for the kids, and whatever else might come our way, it is no wonder we can feel quite frazzled. It’s important to find ways to keep our stress levels under…