The month of October has been dedicated to mental health awareness, with World Mental Health Day being celebrated on October 10. The purpose of promoting mental health is to raise awareness of the importance of our thoughts and feelings, our self-image and self-worth. How we view ourselves impacts directly how we view others and how…

Looking Beyond the Symptoms
Our health is one aspect of our lives that we often take for granted. This changes when we feel that our health is diminished in some way and we begin to experience symptoms of discomfort.When we experience problems with our health, most of us will seek treatment with the hope of recovery. We notice particular…

Chronic illness: A mental disorder?
Living with chronic illness such as chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia (CFS/FM) certainly has its trials! There are a myriad of symptoms which present challenges for people, but even worse than these, for many people, is the disbelief of others about the reality of their conditions. Despite the opinions of many, CFS/FM are genuine physical…