Improve Your Communication

Improve Your Communication

There are many occasions in our lives that have resulted in us feeling angry or hurt by the words and actions of others. These feelings may continue to arise within us as an automatic response to any behaviour that we have interpreted as insulting, demeaning, humiliating, or otherwise negative, and they may get in the…

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What is real?

What is real?

Quantum physics informs us that energy is the basis of our universe. Energy exists in everything. It is the potential and actual force of everything, both tangible and intangible, including ourselves. This means that energy is the source and foundation of everyone and everything, and the connections in between. It may be difficult for us…

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Freeing myself: The perception of others

Freeing myself: The perception of others

We can find ourselves churning over and over things that people have said or done, or the things that we feel they have neglected to say or do. We may feel hurt or angry by their actions or inactions, their words or their silence. Mostly, we take on board their behaviour, interpret it in the…

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