Quantum physics informs us that energy is the basis of our universe. Energy exists in everything. It is the potential and actual force of everything, both tangible and intangible, including ourselves. This means that energy is the source and foundation of everyone and everything, and the connections in between. It may be difficult for us…

Try Tapping to lower your stress
Tapping is a very simple healing technique. It can also be used to improve self-esteem and personal achievement. It has extensive application in improving the wellbeing of individuals. Tapping can be used to: relieve negative emotions and painful memories; change negative thinking enabling greater self-esteem; assist in greater clarity when facing difficult decisions; ease painful…

Healing your illness through mind and body
The Western view of illness and healing has been slow to embrace the significance of non-physical factors in contributing to sickness and health. This is at odds with Eastern thinking where physical problems are generally viewed as the body-mind-spirit being ill-at-ease, or in a state of dis-ease. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards that a state…