Following a Passion

Following a Passion

From Guest Blogger Sanchit Khera

There’s 7 billion people, give or take a few. How many of them are pleasure-fully experiencing their life and following a passion? If you settled at a lower number, then that speaks a lot about your own condition and the condition of your surroundings. Imagine if everyone just did what they felt like doing in a positive way and provided for themselves and their families? Better than working 9-5 at a corporate job, right?

Now here are the pitfalls of working a 9-5 job with stress, high expectations, low creativity and group-think – You become replaceable. Anyone can do your job. You don’t have an original/unique perspective or a new skill that can make lives easier. Hence, you are cast away in the closet filled with rejected resumes and dejected friends who-may apply for more of the same.

The way you get a job you like doing, is to figure out what things you like doing. You can become the first pastry chef who’s a financial accountant, offering cakes with financial advise to young entrepreneurs. We can all do 2 things that drive revenue instead of one gig that provides a steady stream.

All, in all, the formula is simple – test, market, and drive. Test a bunch of things, then market them when you feel happy, and then drive results towards the one’s that perform better than others. Why do we restrict ourselves to one thing or one feature of our skill sets?

If we had 5 different skills, with varying levels of proficiency, then why couldn’t we hone all 5 of them to a point where they could make us money? We would enjoy the process tremendously!

Even if a competitor was better skilled at you, or offered a price cut, you would have a diverse way of thinking from 5 different skill sets because you followed your passions! You would have a competitive edge over another organization where people just work for money or are bored of their jobs. You would become more alive, happy and creative. You can live by your own rules/passions. Imagine that kind of life!

Even if you fail to get there, you would have enjoyed the process thoroughly. You can easily get back to your 9-5 after you’ve failed, because you would have had startup experience (something every company desires and wants to have on-board).

Big projects fail. Big people fail. Little projects fail. Little people fail. Follow your passions

You can fall into either one of the categories that currently form society. (Architect, junior artist, lemonade extraordinaire, etc. etc.) or you can create a new category from scratch and completely change the world slowly and steadily.

Follow it. Because if you do, you will enjoy the taste of victory and the simple joys of sadness when you fail as well.

Article submitted by Sanchit Khera

Sanchit is a spiritual blogger and philosopher. You can find some of her works at and you can follow her on twitter at @sanchitkhera7

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