Do I really need to change?

Do I really need to change?

Whether we like it or not, the world around us is changing every day, every moment. People are born and people die every second; the wind and the sea changes its intensity; wheels are in motion and we travel to new places; new technology surpasses the old. Change is everywhere – constantly. It is inherent…

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The Four Essentials for Managing Change

The Four Essentials for Managing Change

Change can be scary. We humans are creatures of habit, and we can become very comfortable with the way things are, and accustomed to the normal ways in which we do things.  Even some of our behaviours become automatic in that we can perform them without even pausing to think, so it can be a…

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Leading the Change

Leading the Change

If you are thinking:  “I am not a leader in my workplace,” so I don’t need to read any further, think again (and keep reading!). Each person at various stages in life is part of significant change whether it be at work, at home or in relationship with loved ones. At one end of the…

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