Stick with the challenge

Stick with the challenge

When I commenced writing blogs this year, it was in response to a challenge set by Bronwyn Clee to write one article per week for 2013. Hence the Twitter tag #52b52w was coined, and many articles by the band of writers can be found via the #52b52w hashtag.

I eagerly jumped on board to take up the challenge and was pretty well on target for a good part of the year. Then I noticed that I would miss a week, or two, or three, and as the year progressed, the weekly intervals seem to have become longer! Now as the end of the year looms closer, it seems increasingly harder to find the time to keep the challenge alive.

Then I read a blog written recently by one of our #52b52w team buddies, Lauren Moss on Life Changes with Challenges, that has fired me up and inspired me to hit the keyboard once again – and just do it! Write something! The end of the year has not come yet, and there are still several weeks remaining in the #52b52w challenge.

So what if you’re not perfectly on target? You are still in the race with time to go before the final whistle blow.

After reading Lauren’s post, I was reminded about navigating our challenges – they are not obstacles or impossibilities: “Remembering that every challenge has a learning whether something went our way or not, can be a great way to make sure you keep standing.”

I acknowledge that I have had some hiccups along with some other wonderful engagements during the year – such as publishing my first book 🙂  – that have slowed down my weekly writing production, but I am reminded that it’s not the end; I haven’t tossed in the towel; it’s not over and I haven’t given up (just to prove it, I am writing this today!).

Yes, we all have our ups and downs. It is easy to gravitate towards chucking it in when it gets too hard, but there is never a point of no return, and there is always room for a comeback. We all know and admire people who have navigated some extraordinary challenges and have developed some amazing qualities as a result, including a great spirit. There is courage and strength in staying in the race, no matter how hard it gets. It is often the case that the race becomes even more interesting because of navigating the challenges!

We have seen some great blogs from the #52b52w team. Even through our personal challenges and life courses, we are still here – if not writing, then reading what others have written and offering feedback and encouragement. What a great resource and support (and initiative from Bron!).

Let’s not make the end of 2013 the finish line –let’s continue the challenge into 2014. Oh, and feel free to join in the challenge!

About Margaret Lambert

About me


  1. Couldn’t agree more Marg! 2013 has proved to be a gruelling year for all of our bloggers in #52b52w What has been fascinating is watching the #selfcarebuddies tag be birthed through our band of bloggers and witnessing the connections strengthen. I’m going to write a blog in response to this one, and tell you all about my ideas for 2014 #52b52w
    Thank you so much for being our champion cheerleader and helping to keep the momentum moving.

    • Margaret Lambert says

      Look forward to reading Your ideas for 2014, Bron. #Selfcarebuddies and #bandofbloggers have certainly helped us all with keeping up the challenge!

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