Are You a Perfectionist?

Are You a Perfectionist?

Let go and reach out

Many of us hold such high expectations of ourselves which can actually hold us back from achieving some of our goals. It is such a paradox, that our high expectations of ourselves can have the opposite effect in what we can achieve! Why would this be the case?

People who expect much of themselves – the perfectionists of the world – will mainly perform and achieve at the level with which they are most comfortable: the ‘perfect’ or high-grade level that they find acceptable. They are their own harsh critic, which assists them in achieving great results. However, it is these same people who may find it difficult to take a step into the less comfortable zones, the areas in life where they are not so familiar and where they may not therefore achieve ‘perfection’. The thinking may be along the lines of: What if I don’t get it right? What if I stuff up? What if I don’t understand it? I wouldn’t want to ask for help. What will people think of me?

I am sure most of you have had those questions and thoughts at some point in time. The truth is, that these questions and thought patterns actually hold us back.  While it may seem that this type of thinking assists our motivation to ‘get it right’ and to get great results,  our self-imposed quality control actually holds us back,  to the point that we don’t venture into the space that is not well known to us.  It becomes easier and more comfortable to stick to what we know and do well, than to risk not living up to our belief that whatever we do needs to be perfect or to be seen as impressive.

By maintaining our perfectionist beliefs, we may actually be limiting what we are able to achieve.

About Margaret Lambert

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